Adult Health Services

Communicable Disease Prevention

Did you know we provide Communicable Disease Services?

Services include treatment and testing for all reportable diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and TB.

Disease Prevention is vital to the health and well-being of a community in controlling the threat of communicable diseases and to educate the public on how to protect themselves from illnesses.

Family Planning

The family planning program provides the following services:

  • Physical exams
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Breast/testicular cancer screening
  • Sexually transmitted infection testing
  • STI treatment
  • High blood pressure screening
  • Anemia screening
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Contraceptive methods

The program also provides counseling and education regarding reproductive and other health related topics.


Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program

The Breast and Cervical Screening Program provides breast and cervical cancer screening to eligible women and diagnostic follow-up tests for those with suspicious results.

Facts about the Program:

  • The risk of cancer increases with age
  • All women are at risk
  • All services are covered by the program if you are eligible

All women must meet the following general eligibility requirements:

  • Age: Must be between the age of 40 and 64
  • Income: 250% FPL or less
  • Insurance: uninsured or underinsured
Adult Immunizations

All adult needed immunizations such as annual flu vaccination, TDAP, Pneumonia etc.

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